Sunday, December 09, 2007

Not quite how I wanted it to end

I had a goal this year of paddling during every month of the year. I did achieve my goal. In some ways it was an adventure better than I ever expected. In others ways, the ending was a bit sad.

It was my love, me, my boat, and my friends traipsing month to month and state to state enjoying new adventures, learning about ourselves and each other, creating stories to tell and never forget. Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Oregon, Maine, Gloucester, Stonington CT, Alaska, Lake Champlain, Isle-au-Haut, Stone Bridge, Casco Bay, Sakonnet, Newport, and Jamestown. There is about 12,000 miles of travel here for about 500 miles of paddling.

There were plenty of mistakes made in the year. Most of the time we were upright but there were rolls not fulfilled, places not explored for want of destination, conversations not had, guidance not given or taken, and perspectives not viewed. There were plenty of high points, successful rescues, tricky passages made, one on one time, small intimate groups, and oh those special conversations. At times we were a well oiled machine. Other times we were a fragmented group bickering over what way to go.

All in all it was a wonderful year. By far the most fun I’ve had in years. The bumps and scrapes the boat and I have accumulated only add character. I’m not sure I could have made it better by trying to do more. And I’m certain it would not have been as much fun if I would have played it safer.

But my December paddle was marred with ill feeling. We met at Fort Wetherill. The weather was wonderful and the company was good, but I was not whole. A sickness had snuck up on me and although I headed out and returned under my own power my equilibrium was edgy. We had to stop early for lunch in Mackerel Cove. I thought I might be OK and tried to push on towards Beavertail. But I didn’t have it in me and I had to turn back. The last leg back felt long and hard for me but my friends were there to keep an eye on me. Back on land I could just sit there in a daze a bit. I recovered to get my stuff packed but the ride home was almost as bad as the paddle.

It was really not the finish I had hoped for.

12/8/2007 Air 41, Water 39, winds West at 10-15

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